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POSTED BY Rosemary ON Dec 27th, 2011

Written By: Rosemary Seguin CNP, NNCP




The food you eat fuels your body so you can function well. Food nourishes and feeds your 100 trillion cells! It greatly affects your mood, sleeping habits, energy levels, sex drive, food cravings, immune system and your overall general health and wellness. If you eat poorly, your body suffers, plain and simple!

You must make sure the food you eat is of the best quality! You also want to make sure you are eating the right amounts too. Without these two key factors, you will NEVER feel and look as good as you could!


So, what should you be eating and avoiding?





Well, it’s really very simple and not as hard you may think! It’s all just a matter of eating more “GOOD FOODS” and eating less “BAD FOODS”.



I know for some this can be a big lifestyle change. If it is, start off slow and incorporate more of the “good food” principals and start eliminating some of the “bad food” principals. Over time the “bad food” list will be a thing of the past!  









Organic Foods



Free of toxic chemicals like fertilizers and pesticides. When you eat foods sprayed with chemicals, those chemicals enter your bloodstream and cells causing damage to your body.




Healthy Carbohydrates


They are not refined and striped of their nutrients like white or even some whole wheat breads and pastas. Look for alternatives that say made with whole grains instead of whole wheat. Some of my favourites include spelt, kamut, quinoa, barley, buckwheat, oats, amaranth, millet and brown rice. Fruits and veggies also provide good healthy carbohydrates as well.






Healthy Proteins


For most people, vegetable proteins are much easier to digest and absorb then meat. Quinoa is a great example. It’s and it’s a complete protein. Any combination of beans and grains together also forms a complete protein (just like meat). Now I’m not saying you have to become a vegetarian, I ‘m a “meat” eater myself, but all in moderation. When choosing meat, be sure to choose hormone and antibiotic free or certified organic! Organic eggs are also a healthy protein source as is organic tofu.  







Raw Foods


Are not cooked in any way and contain all their food enzymes and nutrients. Raw fruits, veggies, sprouted grains and seeds help you digest your food better and nourish your body with tons of vitamins and minerals.




Good Fats


These fats are necessary for life itself! They are called Essential fatty acids (EFA’s). They help you burn fat and lose weight, boost your immune system, lower cholesterol, nourish your organs, hair, skin, and nails, help prevent cancer and heart disease and improves autoimmune disease, diabetes and depression! Flax seeds, flax oil, E3 Live (blue green algae), pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sea vegetables, fish and avocados are all examples of EFA’s.





Non Organic Foods


Residues from the chemicals in these foods harm our cells and organs, damage our digestive system and pollute and poison our bodies. Check out my blog post on the “dirty dozen” and “clean fifteen” for more info on which foods to never eat non organic!




Bad Carbohydrates  


Sugary, refined carbs often called “simple carbs” are not good for you. Sweets and anything made with refined sugar, flour or white rice should be avoided! They are stripped of their nutrients and cause blood sugar levels to fluctuate, mood swings and increase sugar cravings! These are the carbs that make you gain weight and cause diabetes!


Bad Proteins


This all depends on your digestive system, but most people have weak digestive systems from all the “bad” foods over the years making red meat in particular hard to breakdown and digest. Too much red meat acidifies the blood, and is hard on the liver and kidneys. So eat small portions and try to limit it to once a week. And only buy hormone and antibiotic free or certified organic.


Overcooked foods


In order to get all the nutrients in our food we have to take care not to overcook them otherwise all the vital nutrients are lost. Eat them raw or lightly steam them for a few minutes just enough to soften them.


Bad fats


Saturated fats can cause heart attack and stroke such as red meat, pork and cheese. A diet high in these fats increase blood pressure and cholesterol. Bad fats are toxic to the body and get stored away making you fat!

Hydrogenated fats and trans fatty acids are the other bad fats to look out for. These are found in things like shortening and margarine, chips, sweets and baked goods. These fats cause heart disease, diabetes and cancer!



So now that you know the difference between “GOOD FOOD” and “BAD FOOD”, I hope you make an effort to watch what goes into your grocery cart and start  incorporating these principals into your daily diet today! I promise you will notice a difference in the way you feel and look. 

REMEMBER: You truly are what you eat! So treat your body with the respect and love it deserves! 

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